second acts
Planetary Alignment (or lack thereof)
Planets, presidents, and gongs.
Sharp Objects: A Meditation
TMI or TMJ? You be the judge.
"We need to be our most giant selves; to think our most giant thoughts; express ourselves in the biggest way possible, and give ourselves permission to be GIANTS." -- Alicia Keys

Dancing Flamenco with Julie Galle Baggenstoss
"We are not strippers. We do not dance to mariachi or salsa music."

Gerald and Sara
A golden couple heads for France, where wonders and wildness abound. Meet the Murphys.

Ode to La Belle Arlette
A little tale about an antiheroine, a writing prompt, some chocolate-y goodness, a hat-tip to my second-favorite Greek, and me saving you some time.

In Praise of Dilly-Dallying
Here's to taking your sweet time, old Cockney tunes, growing old (and getting cooler), and other goodness.