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Hit Streak

"I hate striking out." -- Luis Arraez.

Paige Bowers
Paige Bowers
3 min read
Hit Streak

Hi everybody,

How are you doing? What's new in your world?

This week I found out that I won an Eddie award for my profile about San Diego Padres slugger, Luis Arraez, who just made MLB history by winning three consecutive batting titles for three different teams. The thing I appreciate most about him is that he's the sort of guy who just keeps showing up and doing the work, no matter what. It hasn't always been easy for the man they call La Regadera (The Sprinkler). Teams these days tend to value power hitters more than they do contact guys like him. But Luis has remained humble and diligent along the way, and things have worked out pretty well. I know you're not supposed to be a fan of people you write about, but this guy is the absolute best and richly deserves every accolade he gets.

One of my favorite quotes from this story was the one where he's talking about how veteran (now retired) designated hitter Nelson Cruz took him under his wing while they played for the Minnesota Twins. Cruz was a stickler for hitting routines and workouts, and he was trying to convince Luis that he should be the same way:

"I told him, 'Viejito, I don't like lifting. I only like to hit.'," he said. "He told me to change because if I'm going to go into the All Stars and have a better year and stay healthy, I'm going to have to work hard and go to the gym every single day."

Good thing he listened to Viejito, which is Spanish for old man.

In all my centuries of writing, I have never won an Eddie, which is a national publishing award for editorial excellence. So it is very nice and humbling and strange for me to get this sort of recognition. Honestly, I'm out here doing what I do because I love it and want to tell you stories. The stories are the whole point for me. That's it. Although I will admit it was awfully fun to share this news with Luis, only to have him reply "Bueno. We won?" First, I giggled to myself because apparently he's not going to stop at batting titles. He is shooting for editorial awards too. But honestly, it was easy for me to say "yep, we won" because I'm not sure the story would have turned out like it did if he had been anything but the generous – and very funny — soul that he is. I'm so grateful to La Regadera for his time and trust, and to my editor at Aventura Magazine, Kristen Desmond Lefevre, for assigning me such a fun and inspiring piece to write. This news made my week.

Man, oh man, do I love what I do.

Writing prompt: Think of a challenge you faced and overcame. Did you ever think of quitting along the way? If so, why? What were the things that helped you persevere?


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What I'm reading: Annihilation by Michel Houllebecq. The October/November issue of Garden & Gun (Who knew celery was having a moment?). This article about the health benefits of okra water, which is also having a moment. Hit reply to this email and let me know if there's anything or anyone else having a moment that I should know about.

What I'm watching: "Secret Oktober," the Duran Duran Halloween concert film, which inspired their latest album "Danse Macabre." Also: "On the French Riviera with Man Ray and Picasso," which is a delightful little romp about a handful of acclaimed artists who spent the summer of 1937 together in Antibes.

What I'm happy about: A few months ago, I wouldn't have thought it possible, but here we are on October 25 and Atlanta United is playing Inter Miami tonight in round one of the MLS Cup Playoffs. Extra soccer = extra good. I'm hoping that Interim Head Coach Rob Valentino keeps feeding this team whatever he's been feeding it lately, because it's working...knock wood.

What I'm looking forward to: The mythical day when I will have a permanent crown on my tooth. Yeah, I went in this week, thinking it would be over and done with, but some lab (IN UTAH, WHICH IS DEAD TO ME) messed up the crown and so now I have to wait another two weeks.

Where I hope you'll donate this week: Carbon180 is an environmental nonprofit that is pushing for carbon removal technologies that will help keep the planet habitable. Given the high ocean temperatures and devastating storms we've seen recently, we need to support organizations like this one, which is working hard to reverse the devastating effects of climate change.

atlantaatlanta unitedAventura Magazinebiographycreativitydilly-dallyfeature writingfreelance writerinterviewla regaderaluis arraeznonfictionprofilesprofile writing

Paige Bowers

Paige Bowers is a journalist and the author of two biographies about bold, barrier-breaking women in history.


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